Slovenia is a small country in the heart of Europe bordering Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia. A road trip from Murska Sobota in the northeast of the country to Piran in the southwest with a stop in Kranjska Gora in the northwest takes a total of 5 hours; and yet, in those five hours one can experience the flatness of the Pannonian plane, be in awe of the high peaks in the Alps and take a swim in the Adriatic sea. The Slovenian cuisine is just as diverse as the landscape. Some dishes that came to Slovenia from our neighbors, like the strudel, or Wiener Schnitzel, are well known, while others, like prekmurska gibanica or potratna potica, are less so. This webpage is dedicated to recipes for traditional and modern Slovenian dishes, and essays about their origin and holidays when they are typically enjoyed.