Slovenian Roux Soup (Prežganka)

roux soup, slovenian food

Many European countries have their version of a roux soup and so does Slovenia. Roux soup is an example of how to make something from nothing in tough times. The only ingredients required are water, flour, butter and spices such as caraway seeds, paprika, salt, and pepper (they vary from region to region). Often whisked eggs are added to the soup for a thicker consistency.

My grandma used to make Prežganka often, especially when her grandchildren were sick or had an upset stomach. It is basically the Slovenian equivalent of chicken soup.




  • 30 g butter

  • 25 g flour

  • 1 l stock or water (traditionally, water was used)

  • 1 tsp whole caraway seeds or to taste

  • 2 eggs

  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the caraway seeds.

  2. Place the caraway seeds in a pan on low heat and stir frequently for three minutes. The seeds should become fragrant, at which point remove them from the heat and let them reach room temperature before use.

  3. Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed sauce pan.

  4. Add flour and caraway and cook on medium low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture has a nutty aroma.

  5. Slowly add stock or water while stirring constantly until smooth.

  6. Once the soup is simmering, whisk two eggs and pour them slowly into the soup.

  7. Cook for another 5 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste and serve with bread or croutons. Some sprinkle the soup with parsley when they serve it.


Poppy Seed Potica