
`Mlinci’ is a type of flatbread soaked in water until soft and dressed with butter or some other fat (for example, juice from roasting a duck or a chicken). It always appears on the menus on St Martin’s day and the week after alongside stewed red cabbage and roast duck.

You can read more about St Martin’s day here.





  • 500 g flour

  • 200 ml lukewarm water

  • 10 g salt

  • 2 eggs



  1. Knead all the ingredients into a smooth dough, wrap with plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.

  2. Preheat the oven to 180C (350 F).

  3. Divide the dough into 3 pieces.

  4. Working one piece at a time, thinly roll out the dough into a large rectangle. Cut into smaller strips, pierce them with a fork and put them in a baking pan lined with a baking sheet. Let them dry for about 15 minutes.

  5. Bake mlinci until they are golden brown (about 15 minutes).

  6. Once done, leave mlinci to cool completely. They can be prepared a few days before.

  7. When ready to use, break mlinci into smaller pieces.

  8. Boil a pot of salted water and pour it over mlinci. Let them sit in water until they soften, but are not mushy. If hard, add a bit more water and let sit again. Steam will help to soften the pieces.

  9. Dress the mlinci with juices from the roast duck or melted butter.


Krampus bread (Parkeljni)


Braised Red Cabbage